See what we’re writing about the latest research and marketing sciences trends.
Vertically-oriented Ordinal Scale Questions
Reviews options for visual layout of scale questions (lowest to highest, highest to lowest) and which are optimal for survey administration.
Social Media and Reputation Trends
Assesses the time lag between adverse media and impact on a firm’s reputation. This analysis helps organizations know how to optimally and proactively manage reputation.
Perceptual Mapping
We dive deeper into how perceptual mapping can be used to understand the relationships between marketplace competitors and the criteria used by buyers in making purchase decisions and recommendations.
Offering a Don’t Know
Our expectation going into this research effort was that a don’t know response option should be included as a general practice, but our analysis of the extensive literature published on this topic, as well as some of the results from our own research have challenged that assumption.
Measuring the Concept of Trust
This brief discusses the value of tracking Trust as a brand metric alongside other individual brand reputation dimensions to deliver a more comprehensive snapshot of a brand’s reputation.
Left or Right – In the Likert Scale
Our research results lead us to encourage researchers to continue examining this issue in different industries, with different respondent types, and with brand sets that are both similar and others that are quite diverse.
Impact of Number of Brands Rated
In this study, we looked at how many brands respondents rated at a time and if this impacted the research results. The null hypothesis would be that there is no difference, and we were able to reject this hypothesis.
Communication Effectiveness and Digital Environment
Tracking clicks or page views individually does not provide insight into the level of engagement a customer encounters with any given communication campaign, which makes predicting the value of a new campaign a challenge. We further outline why a commitment to measuring communication effectiveness as a function of Customer Engagement, and the cost of that engagement, will result in the most effective allocation of marketing resources for a firm.
Brand Within Attribute – Attribute Within Brand
In our study, we hoped to evaluate the level of halo effect in our data and decrease it by randomizing brands within attributes in comparison to the control group where attributes would be randomized within brands. We found the halo effect is higher when brands are asked within attribute.
An Executive View of Soliciting High-value Stakeholders
This white paper highlights the unique challenges to accessing high-value stakeholders’ feedback and provides a model for successfully transforming their feedback into a competitive advantage.